Thursday, February 2, 2012

Whats one thing you fake all the time?

Whats one thing i fake all the time? Well, i could name a few. But recently, the only thing ive really been faking is my smile. most cant see it, but the ones that can are the very few who ever actually knew me. i cry at night for all the harm thats been done, and all the 'crap' thats been happening in my life. i can fake a laugh, i can fake a smile. i fake a conversation every once and awhile. each day i go through, it gets a bit harder. the temptation is there, im not gonna lie. but will i return to it? that is yet for me to find out. i cant decide whether its wrong or right. the pain has been inflicted, not physically but mentally. i know people who dont fake just one thing, but a bunch. some people fake their whole personality and who they are as people. i dont blame them, i just wish there wasnt people who were so fake on a regular basis. i guess i can get over that, i mean, i have to be the bigger person right? but faking a smile isnt as bad as faking being there for a person or faking a friendship like SOME people do >_>