Thursday, March 8, 2012

what has been the biggest change in your life the past year?

the biggest change? damn. that would have to be when i started going to union. i became a bit more open minded and like, im more open to doing new things. my life has kind of altered. i mean, some bad things have happened since going to union. ive gotten into bad habits, but, thats just me i guess. i definitely go to taco bell more lol

but thats mainly just because that where union heads go when its really cold or of we're hungry. theres a thing called the 'Union Curse'. its when you go chill with the people from union and then all you wanna do is go back to union more and more and like, thats just all you wanna do. even if your just doing the same thing everyday.
people kept telling me to leave before i got it but sadly, ive already gotten it xD