Friday, March 2, 2012


sometimes, i just wish there was a place where i could escape. get away from reality, and all the retardedness that comes with it. sometimes, i just wish that i could evaporate into thin air. but we cant always have what we want. things just seem to be harder than they should be. nobody can get what they want. sometimes i wonder why life was like that. why cant life just be easier, maybe just a bit simple? but, how boring would life be if there were no obstacles to overcome? for me, life would be pretty dull. it'd be the same thing everyday. but then again, we'd be living in a 'too safe' enviroment. a place where nobody was scared that one day there might be a random shooting in their neighborhood. but how many peoples lives would be saved if they couldjust disappear into thin air, and just escape. i almost always wish i could escape from reality so i didn't have to deal with the truth of it all. but i definitely know that's not the way to go anymore.